The February Newsletter
January’s course was about confronting youth in difficult situations. The main speaker was Mika Vesala. Our guest speakers in our Senior groups were Nina Saarinen and Sirpa Hirvonen from Helsinkimissio and Cecilia Parkert from DigiSen project. Our theme in senior groups and music group for the year is digitalization. The guest speaker in music group was Niko Jylhä from Helsinki city library, who came to talk about “song workshop” in libraries with pre-school groups.
Since our day for the head librarians in our region, we have organized with Regional administration bureau and University of Eastern Finland a schooling about Competence management and it reached it’s second part in January. The third part will be in 13th of February. You can listen from our podcast Pinnalla/Flytande about even management in libraries in our January episode and in February you can know more how to inspire youth to read more, by listening to Sini Helminen and Minna Mohr giving advices and sharing their thoughts. You can listen to the podcast here .
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