Yhdeksän alueellista kehittämistehtävää tekevää kirjastoa teki yhteysen posterihakemuksen IFLA WLIC 2020 -tapahtumaan aiheella Creating, operating, learning and developing TOGETHER. Hakemus meni läpi ja tapahtuma järjestetään Dublinissa elokuun puolivälissä. Emme vielä tiedä mikä tilanne silloin on koronaviruksen kanssa, mutta toivottavasti tapahtuma järjestetään elokuussa tai myöhemmin syksyllä. IFLAan lähtee posteria esittelemään kaksi AKE-kirjastoa eli Kuopio ja Vaasa. Heillä on nyt myös posterintekovastuu.

Lisää tietoa IFLAsta löydät https://2020.ifla.org/

De nio bibliotek i Finland som sköter den regionala utvecklingsuppdaget gjorde en gemensam poster ansökan till IFLA WLIC 2020 med temat Creating, operating, learning and developing TOGETHER. Ansökan gick igenom och evenemanget ordnas i Dublin i mitten av augusti. Vi vet ännu inte hur läget med koronavirus kommer att vara då men förhoppningsvis kommer evenemanget att ordnas i augusti eller senare på hösten. Två AKE-bibliotek, Kuopio och Vasa, har nu ansvaret för att postern blir gjort i tid och dessa två bibliotek kommer också att presentera postern i IFLA.  

Mera info om IFLA hittar du från https://2020.ifla.org/

four leaved clover
four-leaved clover

Poster Description:
Public libraries must provide equal services to residents everywhere in Finland. To help libraries develop their activities, the legislation provides for the national and regional development of these activities. A library with a national development task is responsible for the development and maintenance of shared online services as well as communications and promotion of the joint activities of libraries.

The nine Finnish libraries tasked with the regional development responsibility are in charge of joint activities and developing the skills of library personnel within their region. They operate in three languages; Finnish, Swedish and English. All public libraries in Finland are reaping the benefits of this system in many ways, including workshops, webinars, virtual meetings and coffee breaks, gaming, podcasts, conferences, workplace exchange and study trips to other libraries and enterprises, workplace learning and other forms of education. They also create possibilities for networking with libraries in Finland and other countries.

The regional development network is constantly striving to better meet the rapidly changing and diversifying demands of modern library work, and is well worth presenting on international venues as well.