Mysteeri -pelit kirjastossa ~ mysterie -spel på biblioteket
Mobiililaitteella pelaamista kirjastossa ~ mobilt spelande i biblioteket
- Tämä on dekkarimysteeri, jota pelaat ja ratkaiset omalla mobiililaiteellasi
- Det här är ett deckarmysterium som du spelar och löser på din egen mobil
Kirjastosi voi lainata ja testata 7 erilaista mobiililaitteella pelattavaa interaktiivista mysteeripeliä. Pelit ovat englanninkielisiä.
Låna och testa någon av våra 7 interaktiva mobila mysterie -spel. Spelen går på engelska.
Auta etsivää ratkaisemaan arvoitus / Hjälp detektiven att lösa gåtan
The curse of the Redwood Rubies – Lady Ruby Redwood lies dead at the foot of a grand staircase, a strange mark upon her neck, while her husband lies gravely ill upstairs. Did the Lady fall down the stairs, was she pushed, or what happened?
Death comes to Donnington – What caused Austin Healy, world class racing driver, to suddenly lose control of his car during the Donnington race, with fatal results?
Filmstar Fatality – What killed Helen Hartwell, one of the film word´s A-list leading ladies – murder or misadventure?
The Auction house Atrocity – Charles Christoby, senior partner of prestigious Auction House, Christoby´s, lies dead in his office, the antique gun that killed him clutched in his own hand. Was this murder, or suicide?
Murder at the Manor – Mr Ed Boddy is found dead in his study during his famous fundraising house party, attended by the cream of London society. Who could have killed such a pillar of the community, and why?
Master chef mystery – Senior judge Gaston DuChamps suddenly collapses during a tasting at the final of the Gourmet Chef of the World competition. Was it sabotage, negligence, or murder? It is up to you to decide.
The case of the Mummy´s curse – Struck down by a mystery illness at the moment of his triumph, the famous Egyptian explorer Lord Frederick Carlton, needs your help to identify what ails him before it is too late. Has he fallen victim to the Mummy´s Curse, or is there a deeper mystery to unravel?
Näin peli toimii
Peli aloitetaan lataamalla mobiililaitteelle sovellus Sleuth IT joko iOS App storesta tai Google Play storesta.
Kirjastoon sijoitetaan 6 lähetintä, joita pelaajat etsivät mobiililaitteillaan. Joka lähettimen luona aukeaa uusi vihje ja vihjeet latautuvat automaattisesti pelaajan mobiililaitteelle, kun hän lähestyy seuraavaa vihjepaikkaa. Lähettimen taajuus on noin 10 metriä.
Såhär fungerar spelet
Börja med att ladda ner appen Sleuth IT på mobilen i antigen iOS App store eller i Google Play store.
Runtom i biblioteket placeras 6 basstationer, som spelarna söker med sin mobilapparat. Vid varje basstation öppnas nya ledtrådar, som automatiskt laddas ner i mobilen då spelaren närmar sig dem. Sändaren har en radie på ca 10 meter.
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